„Enchanting melodies as well as emotions to get lost in“ – this is how MusikBlog describes the album Permanent Way by guitar virtuoso and singer/songwriter Charlie Cunningham, which he released in June 2019. The album is more than a worthy follow-up on his great debut Lines. In doing so, Cunningham blatantly laughs in the face of the notorious „difficult second album“ syndrome and goes on to enrich the stereotype of the „acoustic singer/songwriter“ with unexpected melodies and dynamics, even more so than he did with his first release. Nothing seems artificial or pretentious. Despite his success, he is a musician who remains grounded and looks behind the façade. His warm
voice and his individual, virtuoso acoustic guitar-playing, influenced by Spanish flamenco, create a wonderful musical ensemble. Permanent Way documents uncertainty in life, the desire for intimacy and love, but also independence and distance. „Apart from my performances, I am a very secluded person,“ Charlie confesses. „There is always something autobiographical in the lyrics. But in general they revolve around people and how they treat each other.“
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