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MI 10.08.2022 • 19:30 Uhr

Vvk.: 34,- € Online-Bruttopreis inkl. aller Geb. / Ak.: 35,- €

Curtis Harding was already a guest in the Kulturzelt in 2018. And even then, the full-blooded musician from Michigan thrilled the audience. Curtis Harding combines soul, funk, rhythm & blues. His sound is dirty, sexy, sweaty and spiced with a good pinch of rock. With his mother, a gospel singer, he toured the USA as a child with a church choir. He quickly learned that music is more than a form of expression, namely a chance to touch people. And he definitely succeeds. His unmistakable voice is in no way less than that of great soul legends like Marvin Gaye or Isaac Hayes. In fact, if you didn’t know
better, you could almost place him in the US golden soul era of the 70s. Yet the path of the multi-instrumentalist was by no means as straight as one would assume and the course was not always set for soul. As a young man, he aspired to be a marine biologist, until the music called and he devoted himself to punk, hip hop and blues projects until he found his sound.

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