Event postponed to 23.08.22
Autotune – yes or no? This question is a never-ending religious war when it comes to rap. While young swag and cloud rappers are really familiar with it, older boom bappers shake their heads in disdain. But there are also old-school rappers who open barriers, build musical bridges and never lose their curiosity about contemporary trends. Berlin rapper Megaloh is one oft hem.
While old companions became millionaires by producing mainstream trends, rap has always been the focus for him. Megaloh is back live on stage.
„This isn’t enough commerce for the radio – this is for the heart, like cardio“.
Pimf: With a clear attitude and somewhere between reflection and lightness, he takes his listeners into the world of a bon vivant between the cold north and his northern Hessian Golden Sunshine State.
Megaloh auf facebook
Megaloh auf instagram
Megaloh auf spotify
Pimf auf facebook
Pimf auf instagram
Pimf auf spotify
The concert is unseated.