Overview Current


SA 30.07.2022 • 19:30 Uhr

Vvk.: 23,50 € Online-Bruttopreis inkl. aller Geb. / Ak.: 24,- €

Support: Alex Mayr (D)

You want powerful voices and strong lyrics? Then Steiner&Madlaina is right up your alley! At first the songs by longtime friends Nora Steiner and Madlaina Pollina from Zurich seem light-hearted. The mixture of pop-rock, folk and
chanson are nice to relax to, but also perfect for dancing. But if you listen closely you will find political messages and sober
advice. And you should take Steiner&Madlaina very seriously because these feminist artists have a lot of power, stamina and creativity.

Their debut “Cheers” is a wild mix of English, German and Swiss German songs that you want more of. And more we get!
Their new album “Wünsch mir Glück” (“Wish me luck”) deals with topics like the climate crisis, sexism and the pitfalls in romance. In one of their new songs they argue that just because they identify as women, they do not have to have children and sing about how they would be treated differently if they were boys.

In the years to come we will definitely hear a lot more from those two women, who are currently accompanied by Leonardo Guadarrama(drums), Nico Sörensen (bass) and Max Kämmerling (electric guitar). For fans of Blond and Faber (who is Madlainas brother btw), this concert is an absolute must! But this applies to everyone else too. Come shake your hips and
let yourself be inspired for a political discussion in our beer garden afterwards.

And in the supporting programme: Alex Mayr, who musically contributes to records by Casper, Dagobert and Get Well Soon, with a cinematic soundtrack pop, between idyll and destruction, between beauty and truthfulness.

Steiner & Madlaina auf Facebook
Steiner & Madlaina auf instagram
Steiner & madlaina bei spotify

Alex Mayr auf Facebook
Alex Mayr auf instagramm
Alex Mayr bei spotify

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